Remove Duplicates in Outlook

Remove Duplicates in Outlook


Those of you who use Outlook out there and leave your messages on the server, you will have probably had to deal with duplicate messages downloading either after you replaced your computer or Outlook had an issue and crashed.  I have tried several tools for this but most had a limit to the number of duplicates it would remove per instance unless you purchased the product.  I found the following “Outlook Duplicate Items Remover” while searching for another way to removed them without spending so much time running the other programs over and over until it removed everything.


Here is a clip from their site to give you an overview of what it does.


Using ODIR is very easy: select a folder and click the button Remove Duplicate Items. ODIR scans the selected folder for duplicates and MOVES all duplicates found to a subfolder ODIR_duplicate items. ODIR recognizes an item as a duplicate if all of the following properties match those of another item in the same folder:

Contact items:
first name, last name, company name and email address
Appointment items:
subject, location, start date and end date
Task items:
subject, start date, due date and status
Note items:
contents of the note (Body property) and color
E-mail or Post items:
– received emails: the internet message ID (this is a unique identifier for each email received)
– sent emails: email subject and the time the email is sent (PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME)
– unsent emails: email subject only



This product installed without a hitch and allowed me to move through the folders and removed duplicates without any problems, once you are comfortable with what it has removed you can simply delete the duplicates entire folder.  Just keep in mind licensing and possible issues when downloading software from any site, you should always check the licensing and verify you are downloading a valid piece of software before installing.



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