I heard a week or so ago that National Donut Day was coming up, and it sparked my curiosity about donut day, leading to many long study sessions about everyone’s favorite ring-shaped pastry. I figured the best way to disperse my newly acquired yet useless knowledge about donuts would be to make a fun donut trivia dashboard. First, I polled my fellow InterWorkers on their donut knowledge and gathered their answers in a spreadsheet. Then, I visualized their answers as donut charts in Tableau. The trivia logic took a bit more work than the donut charts and required an additional table with trivia answers and various information about the trivia answers. I then added dashboard actions to allow the donut charts to show/hide when each answer was selected.
I hope you like the dashboard, and happy National Donut Day! Be sure to use the scroll bar at the bottom to see the whole dashboard, or visit my Tableau Public listing here.
If you want to work with us on your donut or non-donut related dashboarding projects, contact us for more info!