Have you ever wondered what the Letters on the Equallogic model numbers actually mean? Well here is a little sheet to help you out. I’m going to us a PS6000 as my example.
PS stands for Peer Storage, which is the concept of having members join together to create a group.
PS6000E – The E is the Slowest model. Not sure what E actually stands for, but some people think E-Z or express.
PS6000X – X is roman numeral 10; this model has 10k RPM drives – almost twice as fast as the E.
PS6000XV – XV is roman numeral 15; this model has 15k RPM drives – more than twice as fast as the E.
PS6000S – S means Solid State
PS6000XVS – XVS is split evenly between 15k drives and Solid State drives
So when you have to purchase you next Equallocic array, you can have a good guide to what all those letters actually mean.