Mark Bingham
Curator Experience Lead
Mark has always liked asking the big questions. He studied theology at the University of Aberdeen, which left him with quite a few big questions to ponder. Then he started to think about getting answers. This solution-based approach was fed by his interest in technology. Maybe it was the website he built to host his photography in high school or his job doing data entry that left a lasting impression. Okay, maybe not the data-entry job.

Mark’s desire to ask big questions is driven by a desire to find big answers. This is what drew him to the world of business intelligence: providing excellent solutions to interesting problems. If you have a challenge for him, he’ll take it on.

When he’s not working on data questions, Mark can be found reading philosophy at your local coffee shop. Whenever he’s in town, that is. He’s also working through a few lists of the greatest films ever. He could also be building a side table or drinking some very peaty Scotch. If he’s at home, you can guarantee to spot him at pub quiz.

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