Using the Blackberry Enterprise Server to restrict phone calls

Using the Blackberry Enterprise Server to restrict phone calls

Will Lyles

This is a handy way to restrict incoming or outgoing calls using the BES server.  You can be very precise, restricting calls to or from only a certain number, or using a much wider field, such as country code.  See the excerpt below from the Blackberry Administration guide for the proper usage to create a firewall based IT Policy for call restrictions.

Firewall policy group

Restrict Incoming Cellular Calls IT policy rule


This rule specifies whether the BlackBerry® device firewall blocks calls that the user receives unless the calls use a set fixed

dialing pattern.

This IT policy rule does not affect emergency calls.

Default setting

Policy Reference Guide Firewall policy group

The default setting is a null value.


Type one or more fixed dialing patterns (for example, specific dialing numbers, or a set of dialing numbers with the same

prefix) separated by a semi-colon.

To receive calls from numbers preceded by 1 or +1 only, type +1…;1…

To deny receiving calls using a specific pattern, append r to that pattern. For example, type 011…r to deny receiving calls in

the format 011NNNNNNNNNN.

To indicate that all other patterns are denied, type r in the pattern list. For example, to receive calls from the number

519-555-1234 only, type +15195551234;+15195551234;r.


BlackBerry device users must subscribe to caller ID to use this IT policy rule.

Minimum requirements

  • Java® based BlackBerry device
  • BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.3
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP5

Restrict Outgoing Cellular Calls IT policy rule


This rule specifies whether the BlackBerry® device firewall blocks calls that the user makes unless the calls use a set fixed

dialing pattern.

This IT policy rule does not affect emergency calls.

Default setting

The default setting is a null value.


Type one or more fixed dialing patterns (for example, specific dialing numbers, or a set of dialing numbers with the same

prefix) separated by a semi-colon.

To make calls to numbers preceded by 1 or +1 only, type +1…;1…

To deny making calls using a specific pattern, append r to that pattern. For example, type 011…r to deny making calls in the

format 011NNNNNNNNNN.

To indicate that all other patterns are denied, type r in the pattern list. For example, to make calls to the number 519-555-1234

only, type +15195551234;+15195551234;r.


Policy Reference Guide Firewall policy group

BlackBerry device users must subscribe to caller ID to use this IT policy rule.

Minimum requirements

  • Java® based BlackBerry device
  • BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.3
  • BlackBerry® Enterprise Server Version 4.1 SP5



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