How to Import Communication Settings into an UnManaged Symantec Endpoint Protection client from the Management Console

How to Import Communication Settings into an UnManaged Symantec Endpoint Protection client from the Management Console


Situation:  So you have an UnManaged Symantec Endpoint Protection client that is either not updating itself correctly or is not communicating with the Symantec Endpoint Protection Management Console.

Here is how to migrate the correct communication settings from SEPM to the SEP client.


1st Step (Exporting the Communication Settings from SEPM)

–  Log into SEPM on your management server

–  From the left side menu SELECT “Clients” then highlight the associated client group which contains the communicationlive update settings that you want you client to use.

–  Right click on the group and SELECT “Export Communication Settings”

–  Choose a location to save the communication config file to and opt to export config in User Mode or Computer Mode (Computer Mode will be the preferred mode in most situations).

–  Copy this config file to your workstation with the SEP client.

2nd Step

–  Open SEP on the client workstation

–  SELECT “Help and Support” button and then “Troubleshooting” option

–  SELECT the “Import” button underneath Communication Settings and then navigate to your config file and SELECT the file for importing

THAT’S IT!!!  Underneath the Troubleshooting option you should see the correct changes in all of the General Settings information.



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