Backup Exec ejecting LTO 4 Tapes

Backup Exec ejecting LTO 4 Tapes


One issue I ran into this past week that I had forgotten about is how Backup Exec handles LTO 4  tapes when it comes to ejecting the tape after the backup.  The latest LTO standards added some additional requirements to the tape drive hardware. These requirements added a sensor to detect if the tape is still in the slot.   Backup Exec does not finish a backup job that ejects at the end unless the tape drive issues a notification to backup exec that the tape has been fully ejected.  This was not a problem on previous media (DAT72, and LTO-LTO 3 drives).  These older devices were not required to have the mail slot sensor and could issue the notification back to Backup Exec once the media had ejected from the drive itself. 

One way around this is to go into the Alerts and setup an auto-accept on the alert labeled “Please remove media from the drive.”  This will allow your backups to complete with the media still sticking out of the slot and a lot less late nights.

 Here is the information event under the application logs that you will receive in a situation like this:

Event Type: Information
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 58063
Date:  1/20/2010
Time:  10:38:15 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: BE Media Server
Backup Exec Alert: Media Remove
(Server: “BE Media Server”) (Job: “BE Daily Backup”) Please remove the media from the drive.

 For more information, click the following link:



Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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