The Tableau Wedding Planner


The Tableau Wedding Planner

by Maureen O'Donnell

According to, the average wedding in the United States costs approximately $30,000. With about two million weddings a year, this results in a multi-billion dollar industry.  Every time someone says yes, plans must be made. Whether you are getting married at a courthouse, your parents backyard or the Ritz, we all have at least some planning to do.

If you have ever planned a wedding, then you know it is a big deal and can be a bit stressful. There are dresses to choose, cakes to taste and bling to buy! With so many dates to remember and tasks to complete, things can get overwhelming.

Introducing the Tableau Wedding Planner!

Using Tableau, we can help alleviate some of that stress by creating a simple wedding planner. Data has been gathered from popular websites such as and to be used in generating the planner.

To use this planner, you will want to enter the date of your big day, an approximate max budget and the location of your Ceremony/Reception.

Enter wedding info

Once that data has been entered, the planner will generate a timeline for when tasks need to be completed, a budget breakdown showing where you can spend what and a map showing hotels near the venue for you out of town guests. Once you’ve entered in your wedding information, you can begin to explore your plan.

Task Calendar

Clicking on the clipboard will take you to a calendar showing when to complete the necessary tasks:

Task calendar

Along the top of the calendar, the months are broken out into different segments. You can select a segment to see the corresponding tasks:

Broken into segments

Budget Breakdown

Going back to the landing page, we can explore the breakdown of our budget. Clicking the dollar sign will take you to a page that shows where you can spend your money and how much to allot to each section:

Wedding budget breakdown

If you select a category, you can see the breakdown of spending:

Spending breakdown

Accommodations Map

Finally, when planning a wedding, we have to consider all of those out of town guests and where they will be staying. If you know the location of your venue, you can use the location pin to take you to the dashboard that shows hotels near your venue. You will need to click on the location icon to update the corresponding map:

Accommodations map

Happy Planning

There you have it! Planning a wedding involves piecing together a lot of moving parts, and hopefully this planner helps you outline those things a little more effectively than the standard pen and paper. Even better, if your plans change slightly (something inevitably does), all you have to do is input your new info and the changes are reflected. With this in hand, you can spend less time figuring out how everything fits together and more time perfecting those details for your big day!

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More About the Author

Maureen O'Donnell

Analytics Consultant
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