Interworks Hosts a Hello Drupal Event for Oklahoma State University Students

Interworks Hosts a Hello Drupal Event for Oklahoma State University Students


Megan Horton Introduces Matt Mueggenborg and Chris Armstrong from InterworksChris Armstrong and myself presented a workshop entitled “Hello Drupal” earlier today on the Stillwater campus for Oklahoma State University.  The workshop was open to students on campus that are interested in investigating the power of Drupal as a content management system.

The course materials were provided by Acquia, a Drupal solutions and hosting provider.  An outstanding multimedia conference room/lab was provided by the OSU ITLE department, and Interworks provided Pizza and refreshments for the attendees.

Chris Armstrong explains template regions in Drupal.The course materials are a basic introduction to the terms and user interface for a site that the participants created at Drupal Gardens.  At the end of the workshop, the participants walked away with a fully functioning Drupal site that they can continue to develop.  The basic concepts covered in the workshop were: customizing site information, creating content blocks, placing content blocks in template regions, creating content pages, and creating custom image styles.

We’re excited about seeing the feedback from this event so we’ll know how to adjust the course materials for the next workshop that we present.  If you are interested in the materials presented in this workshop, the PDF files that we worked from are available here:

Hello Drupal Workshop Manual
Hello Drupal Workshop Presentation


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