Commuting in the rain?

Commuting in the rain?

Andy Cotgreave


Three years ago I had a debate with someone about why they didn’t cycle to work in Oxford. “Because it’s too wet,” was their main excuse. Being a keen cyclist, I knew that it didn’t really rain that much, and even on days it rained, it was rarely at the time one commutes to work. The other person didn’t believe me: I needed evidence. I setup a Google spreadsheet and a form, and have been recording whether it rains when I commute to work every since. I now have 3 years of data, and as of today, 20 May 2011, I am in the midst of the longest ever dry spell: 82 consecutive commutes without rain. It has not rained on a commute since 28 February 2011. Below are two displays. The first shows the dry spells:

The second viz shows the summary. Headline figure: 9% of commutes are wet. That’s good odds in my book:

Many thanks to Richard Leeke of Equinox who worked out how to do the calculated fields that work out the running sum of consecutive dry commutes.

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