WordPress Plugins You Should Use and Why

WordPress Plugins You Should Use and Why

Grant Bivens

Below is a list of WordPress plugins that should be used on almost every WordPress site.

All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert
All in One SEO Pack makes has several key features that make it a great plugin. The first of these features is its ability to easily set custom page titles. You can use “macros” (variables) like the blog’s title, the title of the post, the author’s name, etc. to set the page title. For example, if the page title needed to be set as “Post Title | Name of Blog” simply putting “%post_title% | %blog_title%” in a configuration field would set that up. A list of available variables that can be used is listed within the configuration screen. It is also easy to set different titles for each page type, post, page, archive, search, etc.

The second great feature of this plugin is it can auto generate a description meta tag. The description text is one of the things that search engines index and display back in search results. Having clear descriptions will ultimately bring more users to your site.

cformsII by Oliver Seidel – Delicious Days
CformsII allows the creation of custom forms which, upon submission, sends the visitor information to one or several defined email address. It also stores the data in a database which can be viewed in the administration section of the website. The plugin allows for easy styling of forms with built in presets. These presets can easily be modified to suit any site website. It is a feature packed plugin any website can use.

Comments Notifier by Don Angelillo
Comments Notifier is a great way to inform specified users of comments. It is simple to add any number of email addresses to notify users of a comment; users do not even need to be registered to receive notifications. It also has a valuable option to only send emails for comments that need moderation.

Google Analyticator by Spiral Web Consulting
Google Analyticator makes adding Google Analytics code to any website simple. After installing the plugin, all that is needed is to copy and paste the Google Analytics’ UID into the plugin settings and click save. This UID can be obtained from within Google Analytics. The necessary Google Analytics code will be automatically added to every page.

Google XML Sitemaps by Arne Brachhold
Google XML Sitemaps is a quick and easy way to make a XML sitemap. The generated sitemap can be submitted to Ask.com, Google, MSN Search and Yahoo. The plugin will automatically rebuild the sitemap on a set schedule and it will notify search engines of the changes. You can easily select which types of content you wish to be included or excluded in the sitemap as well.


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