Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index Visualized in Tableau

Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index Visualized in Tableau


Are you happy where you live? Have you thought about moving to another state? Gallup-Healthways recently released their latest Well-Being Index report, outlining well-being across every state in America. The report is a downloadable PDF, available here. It takes some effort to filter through, which is why I came up with a better way to look at the data.

Since I wanted to dive into information quickly and effortlessly, I decided to turn part of this report into a Tableau dashboard for fun. Finding my state in the PDF list took a little time, so I made it to where my dashboard lets you click on your state, or any state you desire, to see how that state stacks up for the current year. You can also see a trend from previous years.


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