Will Google’s New BigQuery Make an “Analytics-Style” Dent in the BI Market?

Will Google’s New BigQuery Make an “Analytics-Style” Dent in the BI Market?


As a general Google fan, BigQuery looks like it could be an interesting project to monitor for the data crunching and BI geeks among us.

The project could flop entirely due to lack of marketing or a partnership foundation — or they could really do it right as with Google Analytics.  Not knowing their long term plans, it’s tough to say.  

If Google targets (and achieves) users in the same way they have on Analytics, this could be the default option for everyone from entry-level users to departments within larger organizations — potentially all but the top tier of users.  As with Google Analytics, you are well served with GA until you need a SIGNIFICANTLY larger scale tool such as Omniture.

Of course, this brings up the typical “Google is on their way to evil” arguments by amassing as much data as possible.  I’m sure 90% of the comments will be referencing that thought; its definitely a valid point.  

What are your thoughts about the new BigQuery product from Google? 



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