
TC18 Europe Tag

Tableau user adoption is a common topic not only internally at InterWorks but also throughout the community. You can find many interesting blogs, videos, podcasts and discussions about it. User adoption has many aspects, including building Centres of Excellence, building community and scaling, sharing best...

Tableau Conference Europe 2018 is next week! Besides making last-minute preparations, David Pires finishes up talking to some fantastic people in the data community that you can meet at TC18Europe - Tristan Guillevin, Sarah Bartlett, Rebecca Roland, Simon Beaumont and Tableau’s Sara Fernandes. We hope to...

Tableau Conference Europe 2018 is right around the corner! To prep, David Pires talks to some of his favorite (or "favourite") people in the Tableau Community to see what and who they are excited about seeing in London. Today, we have Zen Master Neil Richards,...

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