

In this blog, we’re going to cover some fundamentals for a successful Row-Level Security (RLS) implementation in ThoughtSpot. What is RLS? RLS Benefits RLS Use Cases Admin Permissions Overview Group Setup Step–by–Step Instructions Overview Step–by–Step Instructions Option A: Modify ACL Table Option B: Add New...

Now that you know you need Row-Level Security (RLS) and you are familiar with the basic concepts and building blocks, we can take a deeper look at the different RLS models we can build within Tableau. Just remember, reality often provides a lot more nuance...

In this blog, we will run through fundamental concepts and building blocks for Row-Level Security (RLS) solutions. This will include: USERNAME() and Entitlements Tables ISMEMBEROF() and Permissions Groups Implementation Patterns Some Simple Examples Version Considerations Mistakes to Avoid If you are questioning if you need RLS...

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