Internet Explorer 8 uninstalltion file missing error.

Internet Explorer 8 uninstalltion file missing error.

Brian Masse

This uninstall error can be corrected fairly easily, if your computer has an IE7 folder or it is able to download the IE7 install.  First see if both IE7 and IE8 folders are listed on your computer.  If IE7 is missing then hopefully you are able to download the IE7 install by using a different web browser.  Once you find the folders, copy everything in the IE7 folder and paste those items into the IE8 folder.  Choose copy and replace on all of the items. This should replace the missing files.  Now try to uninstall IE8 from add and remove programs again.  This time the uninstallation should work correctly, even though it might show that it is uninstalling IE7.  Once the uninstallation is over, go back to add and remove programs.  IE8 should still be listed in the programs, but when trying to remove it a message will come up stating that the program has already been removed, and it will delete the icon from add and remove programs.  Now that IE8 has been successfully removed you can download and reinstall it.



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