Checking Whether a Server is Back Up After Reboot

Checking Whether a Server is Back Up After Reboot

Brad Fair

The Problem

Often after rebooting a server, it starts responding to pings even though you can’t remote on to it quite yet.

The Solution

If you want to stop wasting your time continually trying to RDP into a newly-rebooted server, you can download a handy tool called tcping. 

Download tcping here.  

After you download tcping, you can drop it into your c:windowssystem32 and use it in a similar way to ping. For example, I did this:

tcping –t okc-fs-01 3389

That continuously checks Port 3389 to see if it’s open. Once it’s open, you see that and you know you’re ready to remote on to the server.

That’s all there is to it!



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