InterWorks has been a global, full-stack consulting firm for many years now. A big part of our job as consultants is to first listen to our clients needs, talk through potential solutions and strategies, and then help them those with any ongoing support they might need.
We’ve always had a general feel for what the most common challenges are among our clients, but what kind of data and analytics consultancy would we be if we didn’t test those assumptions using actual data. That brings us to the resource at hand.
Over the past two years, the InterWorks Asia Pacific team has conducted a series of informal surveys among data and analytics professionals about the most common challenges they face. Our total sample size was nearly 300 respondents including our clients, attendees at data conferences, participants in our numerous webinars and more. We talked to BI leaders across geographies, industry verticals, differing degrees of experience and organisational size.
Above: How the InterWorks team collected responses from participants at various data and analytics leadership conferences in Australia.
What Were the Top Data Challenges?
Our survey respondents highlighted several challenges, ranging from user adoption and analytics tool selection to data governance and more. We explore each of these issues in depth, examining the underlying causes and proposing solutions.
You can download the whitepaper for free by completing the form below. If you’re looking to take things a step further, we’d love to chat with you about your specific challenges/scenarios and how InterWorks can help. You can reach out to our team here.
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