I recently ran into a problem with the Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Systems and Backup Exec Server services both getting hung in the starting mode. The Remote Agent was using the local system account and the Backup Exec Server Service was using the Backup Exec Service account. I knew the password was correct since there were other services that had already started using both accounts in Backup Exec. Since the services were in a starting mode and not stopped or completed and in a started mode I could not stop or kill them trough the task manager. I logged in as the local administrator and found an error message on the desktop.
I can go in and log in as the local administrator and enter IE then select outlook as the default e-mail program and the services will start, but then next reboot has them going back and not completing again. I found this Symantec Tech Note which if you go into the registry and locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClientsMail then rename the PreFirstRun entry. This resolved the issue for the services not starting on the Backup Exec server we were having issues with.
Hopefully this will help you out with your issues if your services are not automatically starting.