
As businesses evolve and goals develop over time, it’s natural that your maintenance needs and spot support would adjust as well. We understand that, which is why we put flexibility at the forefront of our maintenance agreements. With unmatched flexibility and almost limitless options to customize what maintenance looks like for you, the continuous support we provide is motivated by our desire to see your organization thrive and develop a culture around your solutions that is self-sustaining and effective.

Flexibility Fitted to Your Needs

Pay for what you use—it shouldn’t be a revolutionary idea, right? Our ongoing service agreements have built-in space to adjust based on your usage. We don’t use unwieldy contracts to corner you into inefficient, draining cycles. Unused hours roll over, can increase and decrease as needed, and you can even pause them when working down a large bank of hours.

Ongoing Support

Organizations of different sizes have distinct needs, and we use this knowledge to inform an agreement that works for you. We want to provide long-term service and support, including reactive and break-fix resolution, without locking clients into long-term contracts. Maintaining strong relationships while delivering excellent service is what’s most important to us.

A Little Bit of Everything

When running a business, you never know what surprises each day holds. Because of that, our maintenance agreements include anything our IT Solutions group can handle for you. Whether it’s network security, cloud storage, virtualization or end-user computing, having InterWorks on your team means having all hands on deck to help you navigate the unexpected.

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Tech Partners

By working with the best tools in the industry, our IT Services group is knowledgeable on all aspects of modern and legacy technology.

Related Case Studies

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Interworks GmbH
Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

Telefon: +49 (0)211 5408 5301

Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRB 79752
UstldNr: DE 313 353 072

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