Tableau Tip: Exploring the Built-In Geocoding System

Tableau Tip: Exploring the Built-In Geocoding System


Fresh off a West Coast swing that took me from the Central Valley to Silicon Valley and into San Francisco, I’m back in Oklahoma for Independence Day.

This quick blog post explores a question that always comes up during Tableau Training sessions – “What locations can Tableau geocode using the built-in system?” We’re going to investigate the files where your Tableau Desktop goes to get every Latitude and Longitude it needs, and make some quick visualizations to show every location. Join me for the exploration of this topic, and download the attached workbook to visualize every Country, State/Province, City, Zip/Postal Code, County, and CBSA/MSA yourself! 

Happy Mapping and hope you’re all enjoying the Independence Day fireworks!

NOTE: In the video, I made a small omission and only showed filtering to IsDisplayName=1 and Locale=Eng/US. In many of the visualizations in the attached workbook you’ll see that I also added filters to CountrySynonymsLocale=Eng/Us and CountrySynonymsIsDisplayName=1. Adding those filters will reduce that City count from 220K down to 43K, a more accurate number that avoids duplicates.


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