I’ve been thinking a lot about life balance lately. If I love what I do for my ‘work’, why would I want to stop doing it to ‘play’? I’ve struggled with these questions for a long time. Chuck Hooper (blog:twitter) shared his thoughts on this question over the weekend, and I’d like to share them with you.
“The master of the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He simply pursues his vision of excellence in whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him, he is always doing both.” Lao-Tzu via Tina Seelig @ CreativityRulz
Interworks encourages me to master the art of living. If this sounds good to you; let me know … we’re hiring!