Disable Windows 7 Snap Feature

Disable Windows 7 Snap Feature

Matthew Medici

One of the new features within Windows 7 is the snap feature.  When moving windows to the top or side of the screen, the operating system will automatically maximize ore re-size the image for you.  However, not everyone wants the operating system to do this for them.  If you are like me, i find it useful to have windows open and partially on the screen as i focus on other tasks at hand.  In order to disable this feature, do the following steps:

  1. Open up the control panel on your computer
  2. Select ease of access center
  3. Select make the mouse easier to use
  4. Browse to the section labeled make it easier to manage windows
  5. Check the box next to prevent windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen
  6. Select the apply button
  7. Select the ok button

You are all finished



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