Issues sending Ctrl+Alt+Del through VNC or GoToAssist in Vista and Windows 7

Issues sending Ctrl+Alt+Del through VNC or GoToAssist in Vista and Windows 7

Larry McFarlin

If you use remote administration and troubleshooting software such as VNC or GoToAssist, you may have noticed a growing issue regarding the standard domain login screen with Windows Vista and Win7.  Regardless of previous functionality, suddenly pressing the “send ctrl+alt+del” button doesn’t work.  

Although this is generally not the end of the world, it is a common nuisance.   Here’s what’s causing the issue and the workaround to fix it:

1.  On the remote computer, Click Start > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control Settings

User Account Control

2.  Move the slider up one setting to “Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop)

3.  Click OK and reboot if prompted.

This should give you the ability to “send Ctrl+Alt+Del” using Vista or Win7 through your remote administration software.



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