Outlook 2010 stuck on loading profile window

Outlook 2010 stuck on loading profile window

Larry McFarlin

I have noticed at various times when I close Outlook 2010 and re-open, it gets stuck on the Loading Profile screen.  The only way I found to alleviate the issue is to reboot the computer and Outlook will open correctly.




I Searched the internet but was unable to find a valid fix for the problem.  After a little research, I found multiple entries for agent.exe in the taskmanager.




Once both of those were closed, Outlook opened properly without having to reboot the computer.


– Larry



Thanks to the anonymous poster on 04/09 for a permanent work-around to this issue in Win7.  Follow these instructions:

1)  Right click the agent.exe process and click properties.

2)  Change the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3.

3)  Terminate agent.exe as above and restart Shoretel/Outlook or reboot your computer.

Unfortunately, this does not fix the issue in WinXP.


– Larry




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