Illustrations featured on a creative professionals design outlet

Illustrations featured on a creative professionals design outlet

Kim Woodard

Illustration has been a part of my professional life for about 12 years. The moment I was able to hold a crayon it was on. If you dare, ask my mom about everything I would draw on. My skills have improved slightly since then. I’ve graduated from smiley faces and stick people to illustrating logos, websites, wall murals, and board games.

Since starting at interworks, I’ve had the opportunity to include my illustrations into client work such as FroggyPay, The Saville Center, T-works and Habitat for Humanity. I’ve also had the opportunity to create album art for Henry O’Neill and phone apps like Whacky Monkey.

Recently my work was featured on, the Behance Illustration site. This is huge! Their editorial team features only a small number of projects every day. With many thousands to choose from, they look for work that promotes new thinking in its industry. Being able to post and view work on sites like this allow others to be inspired to create new and innovative designs. It’s also a great way to get your work and name out there.


Featured Paintings



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