Why start another Tableau blog?

Why start another Tableau blog?

Andy Cotgreave

Those who know me from the Tableau forums or Twitter, or the UK Tableau User Group know that I love Tableau.Those that don’t know me: well, I work at the University of Oxford, and have been using Tableau since December 2007.  Since then, I have been raving about it, Ancient Mariner style, to anyone who catches my eye.

It’s been inevitable that I’d set up a blog. What do I hope to add the world of Tableau knowledge?

  • A repository for hints-and-tips on Tableau
    There aren’t many people blogging about basic/advanced Tableau jedi tips. The inspiration for this approach is from blogs such as Daily Dose of Excel – a great place to learn things.
  • A showcase for mine and others’ Tableau Public visualisation
    There are several other great blogs doing this, and I hope this blog adds to the general commentary
  • Occasional discussions of other info viz related matters

I hope to help everyone advance their Tableau knowledge. Along the way, we’ll learn some things that are useful on a day-to-day basis, and some things that you may never need, but could inspire you to think differently about things.

Let me know what you want to see me cover. Are there any beginner/jedi tips not covered in Tableau’s excellent Learning Centre?


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