Finding Color for your Blog or your Home

Finding Color for your Blog or your Home


This weekend I’ve been playing with the new WordPress site which will become the home for The Data rEVOLUTION blog.  I’ve been playing with color schemes, CSS and found some good tools for identifying color combinations and hex codes.

The first tool is called Kuler.  

Kuler is fun, allowing you to link with Flickr to generate color schemes from photos.   This is a great source of inspiration for color schemes you might use to paint your house or color theme a website or blog.  If you make a color scheme that you like you can save it to the Kuler site and your favorites or download the scheme.

There is also a Kuler Desktop tool that works via Adobe Air

Once you’ve got some ideas on color go to VisiBone’s Colorlab tool to get your Hex codes for your blog.  Colorlab allows you to have a color scheme with up to six colors side-by-side while providing the necessary hex codes to embed in your CSS.



Mastering Data Governance: Green Flags, Red Flags and a Framework for Success

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