Vim Color Schemes in Putty


Vim Color Schemes in Putty

by Christopher Kaukis

Snippet to enable Vim color schemes in Putty. Put the following in your .vimrc file:

if &term =~ “xterm”
    “256 color —
    let &t_Co=256
    ” restore screen after quitting
    set t_ti=ESC7ESC[rESC[?47h t_te=ESC[?47lESC8
    if has(“terminfo”)
        let &t_Sf=”ESC[3%p1%dm”
        let &t_Sb=”ESC[4%p1%dm”
        let &t_Sf=”ESC[3%dm”
        let &t_Sb=”ESC[4%dm”

Below is zenburn color scheme (place in your .vim/colors):

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Christopher Kaukis

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