What to do during the Tableau Customer Conference 2012 #TCC12

What to do during the Tableau Customer Conference 2012 #TCC12

Ben Sullins

I’m really excited that the Tableau Customer Conference 2012 #TCC12 is right in my back yard, literally. I moved to San Diego going on 7 years ago and for the past 2 years have lived within a half mile of this years conference location, the Hilton Bay Front San Diego. With that said, I thought it might be useful to provide a local’s perspective on what to do while visiting San Diego. Below, please find my list of placed to go and sights to see while here. First, let’s check out a video where I list several of my favorite spots for you to check out during the conference. Feel free to ask for any recommendations on twitter @bensullins
See you next week!


Coffee Shops

Lunch Spots

Restaurant / Bars

Bar / Club

CrossFit Gym’s (personal addition)

Full Size Map – http://goo.gl/maps/bO2X



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