WriteMonkey: A Simple but Effective Text Editor & Writing Tool

WriteMonkey: A Simple but Effective Text Editor & Writing Tool


Do you need to concentrate just on “the writing.”  Need a text editor that allows you to create blog posts without a connection to the web.  Want to keep track of the total words in your document or set a time limit on your writing?  Write Monkey is a shareware text editor that provides a very minimal user interface but gives you a considerable number of whistles and bells behind the scenes.

You can customize the screen background, font, font color and a few other things.  But the emphasis with this program is on writing.  All the reference and customization features are available with a right click of the mouse or a function key. If you like a little nostalgia you can enable “old typewriter” sounds.  For some reason, I like that feature.

While WriteMonkey won’t be replacing MS Word in my tool-set, I will be using it for the creation of first drafts of any document or blog post I create.  

I highly recommend the tool. This shareware program is  Free download.  It downloads and installs in under 1 minute.


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