Ryan Callihan
Analytics Lead
If given the choice, Ryan Callihan is the type of person that always takes the scenic route. Innately curious about the world, Ryan studied Geography and GIS at the University of Kansas and regularly maps road trips where the destination is far less important than the geological formations and historical markers he finds along the way.

Ryan is fascinated by context. No matter the subject, he is driven by a desire to know why things are the way they are and how they got to be that way. He loves turning what other people might believe are mundane subjects into interesting stories through data visualization and story telling. He also believes in the power of data to make a positive impact in his community and volunteers his time turning data into actionable information.

Outside of work, you’ll find Ryan encouraging the creativity and self-expression of his seven-year-old son, hitting one of the many scenic trails in the Pacific Northwest, chalking up his hands and climbing boulders, flying his arsenal of kites on beautiful Oregon beaches, chasing the high score on his favorite pinball machines, or navigating his Subaru on a mission down the road less traveled.

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