Bill Barnes
Platforms Architect
Growing up near Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City sparked Bill's fascination with technology. After epic high school LAN parties fueled by Starcraft, he decided to turn his passion into a career and dive into IT.

Bill's a self-proclaimed gadget guru, notorious for accumulating a collection that would make even the most tech-savvy blush. Raspberry Pis were his latest conquest, until 3D printing took over, leaving the poor Pis gathering dust.

But Bill's not all circuits and wires. When he's not tinkering with spare parts or scouring online marketplaces for his next project (brace yourselves, family!), he escapes to the outdoors. His ultimate relaxation? Finding the perfect packable hammock, disappearing into the woods, and – with a wink – "rescuing" a few fish (it's probably an excuse to experiment with some solar-powered gadget).

Bill's a jack-of-all-trades in the IT world. Currently, he's mastering SQL and Tableau Server systems, but security remains a cherished personal pursuit.

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