TechJunction Tulsa


TechJunction Tulsa


Join InterWorks for TechJunction Tulsa!


Thursday November 12th, 8:30am - 4:00pm (UTC)


DoubleTree Warren Place
6110 S Yale Ave
Tulsa, OK 74136

TechJunction Tulsa is dedicated to providing both attending delegates and sponsors a strong return on their investment of time and resources. With a “by invitation-only” format, cutting-edge content, interactive labs and exhibits, and other complimentary delegate benefits (coffee, lunch, cocktails, etc.), TechJunction has earned the reputation as “THE technology conference” for IT professionals across the country.

InterWorks Set to Present

Don’t miss InterWorks’ very own Brad Fair as he speaks about “Bridging the Gaps Between Business and IT: How to Build an Analytics.”

In this talk, he will assess how businesses are working hard to become more data-driven, open and analytical. In spite of these efforts, companies struggle to make progress. Find out how some of the most notable companies are overcoming the same hurdles you’re experiencing in order to get from here to there. Topics covered include:

1. What IT can do to make this easy on business users
2. What business users can do to make this easy on IT
3. One example model to help your company achieve quick, iterative wins

Register Today!

To Register, visit the official TechJunction Tulsa event page.


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40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

Telefon: +49 (0)211 5408 5301

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