Isilon Grab-and-Go Event

Lunch and Learn

Isilon Grab-and-Go Event


Listen to a presentation on Isilon at Iron Star Barbecue, and grab a to-go dinner for your family on us!


Thursday October 11th, 3:00pm - 5:00pm (CDT)


Iron Star Urban Barbecue
3700 N Shartel Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73118

Why Isilon?

Dell EMC Isilon Scale-Out Network Attached Storage (NAS) helps you store, manage and protect unstructured data with efficiency and massive scalability. Dell EMC Isilon is the industry’s #1 family of scale-out network-attached storage systems, designed for demanding enterprise file workloads. Choose from all-flash, hybrid and archive NAS platforms.

How It Works

Representatives from Isilon will take you to lunch and tell you about how Isilon can help your business.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to improve storage solutions for your business. Save your spot by registering below!

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