Quantrix Seminar by the Sea 2015

Guest Appearance

Quantrix Seminar by the Sea 2015


Quantrix Seminar by the Sea 2015


Tuesday September 15th, 12:00am - Thursday September 17th, 11:59pm (UTC)


Portland Harbor Hotel
468 Fore St.
Portland, ME 04101

Quantrix is holding their annual Seminar by the Sea in scenic Portland, Maine! This two-day event provides an excellent opportunity for Quantrix users to expand their knowledge of business modeling and meet new faces in the Quantrix community. The event features tracks for both new Quantrix users and experienced users alike.

Dan Murray as Featured Speaker

This year’s featured guest speaker is none other than Dan Murray, InterWorks’ Director of Strategic Innovation! Dan will be sharing his thoughts about the data modeling ecosystem and the value of the iterative process. Dan has already shared a few of these thoughts on the Quantrix blog.

Learn More & Register

Interested in attending Seminar by the Sea? You can head to the official event page to learn more and register. 


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