Greater Omaha Tableau User Group

User Group

Greater Omaha Tableau User Group


Greater Omaha Tableau User Group


Thursday August 27th, 1:00pm - 4:00pm (UTC)


Werner Enterprises, Inc.
10409 Conestoga Road
Omaha, NE 68138

Join InterWorks at the next GOTUG meetup! 

During this meeting, Jacob Wagner from InterWorks will be discussing Tableau Online and how it differs from Tableau Server. Which one is right for you?

Jeff Walters & Colby Pash will share Werner’s Tableau Story, specifically how Werner has grown their Tableau adoption over the years.

Are you going to the Tableau Conference in Las Vegas this October? Are you undecided or not going but still curious to learn more? A panel of GOTUGs Tableau Conference veterans will answer questions about the conference and share tips and insights from their experiences.

Finally, do you have questions about specific Tableau features? Or, have a solution you just can’t bring to fruition because something isn’t working the way you thought it should? The Tableau Doctors will be IN to help diagnose and prescribe treatments to cure your visualization ailments.  Bring your laptops, shareable data sets, and engage our knowledge champions to get Tableau healthy!


This event has passed.

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