Tableau Server for Data Consumers

Tableau Server for Data Consumers


Tableau Server Optimisation


Tuesday August 18th, 10:00am - 10:45am (BST)

Tuesday August 18th, 11:00am - 11:45am (CEST)



Are you a new Tableau Server user eager to get the most out of it? Are you curious about how to efficiently access and interact with your dashboards and visualisations? Then this webinar is for you!

A certified Tableau instructor will help you navigate this data visualisation platform and guide you on how to unlock its analytics power.

Save your spot today and get some tips that will equip you for success.

You will walk away from this webinar with:

  • Best Tableau Server maintenance and administration practices
  • An idea on where to start troubleshooting when things aren’t quite going to plan
  • Increased user adoption and knowledge share

This event has passed.

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