Tulsa Tech Fest 2015


Tulsa Tech Fest 2015


Join InterWorks at Tulsa TechFest as we sponsor lunch!


Friday August 7th, 8:00am - 6:00pm (UTC)


OSU Tulsa
700 North Greenwood Ave
Tulsa, OK 74106

Tulsa TechFest is a free, charitable, non-profit event that brings together all facets of technology. If you’re in the Eastern Oklahoma area, you don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to check out the latest innovations and hear from industry experts.

In fact, our very own Brad Fair will lead a session entitled “On Solving Complex Problems.”

Session Overview

In the mid-1730s, a mathematician solved an interesting and supposedly unsolvable problem. In doing so, he created a branch of mathematics that has been vital to the success of almost every major tech company: graph theory. In spite of it’s benefits, it’s still mostly unused by the masses.

In this talk, Brad will show how Leonhard Euler (pronounced Oiler) solved the famous Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem. He’ll model a real-world operational problem as well as an interesting analytical problem. Along the way, he’ll also demonstrate how to take these concepts and apply them to your own problems.

Finally, Brad will talk about the data structures that make his graph database of choice (Neo4j) blazing fast and link you to some resources you can use to solve world problems on your own time.

Learn More & Register

To learn more and register, visit the official Tulsa TechFest’s Registration page!


This event has passed.

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