UK Northwest Tableau User Group, July 2019


UK Northwest Tableau User Group, July 2019


UK Northwest Tableau User Group, July 2019


Thursday July 18th, 6:00pm - 8:30pm (BST)


Jisc Offices
6th Floor Churchgate House
56 Oxford Road
Manchester, United Kingdom M1 6EU

The purpose of the Northwest Tableau User Group is to share knowledge, tips & tricks, and connect with other Tableau users in the Northwest. Whether you are a beginner, a Tableau Jedi, or just curious, you are welcome!

The user group is being held at the Jisc Offices on Oxford Road in the centre of Manchester. Pizza and drinks will be provided!


6:00 | Welcome and Introductions

6:10 | Adam Green – Jisc

6:30 | Steve Taylor – InterWorks, talking LOD calculations

6:50 | Speaker to be announced

7:10 | Pizza, drinks and networking

7:50 | Quiz time

8:00 | Lorna and Ella – our highlights from TC Europe 2019

This event has passed.

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