Alteryx Analytic Independence Roadshow – Austin


Alteryx Analytic Independence Roadshow – Austin


Join us at this private event to gain analytic independence from brittle spreadsheets, complex code writing, and reliance on other departments to prepare the data you need for analysis.


Thursday June 25th, 11:30am - 1:30pm (UTC)


Daily Grill in The Domain
11506 Century Oaks Terrace
Austin, TX 78758

Join us at this private event to gain analytic independence from brittle spreadsheets, complex code writing, and reliance on other departments to prepare the data you need for analysis. See how Alteryx can help you: Access, cleanse and join data in any format from nearly any source Prepare data for reports, presentations, visualization, or export to feed downstream processes Create an intuitive workflow to document and automate data manipulation tasks

The practical, educational and networking benefits of attending this event will help you advance your analytics expertise, and show you how to deliver faster and deeper business insights.


  • 11:30am: Registration
  • 12:00pm: Lunch served with Analytic Independence Overview
  • 12:30pm: Deeper Business Insight with Alteryx: Customer Value
  • 1:00pm: Applying Analytic Independence: 3 Use Cases and Demo
    • Blending data from any data source
    • Preparing data for Tableau
    • Adding predictive and spatial analytics
  • 1:30pm: Network and Lunch Concludes

Reserve Your Spot

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