Seattle Tableau User Group ft. Dan Murray

User Group

Seattle Tableau User Group ft. Dan Murray


Join us at the Seattle Tableau User Group and meet Dan Murray - author of "Tableau Your Data!"


Thursday June 19th, 2:00am - 7:30am (UTC)


Washington Athletic Club
1325 6th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101

Dan Murray, InterWorks’ Director of Business Intelligence Services, will be present at various TUG meetings to speak about various topics covered in the book.


  • His first Tableau project, and what he learned
  • Getting your organization to buy into Tableau 
  • Successful habits
  • Building effective dashboards
  • Dealing with the “data flood”

After each speech, attendees will have the opportunity to ask Murray any questions they may have about the book or Tableau in general. Interworks will also be giving away a few free copies of “Tableau Your Data!” at each event. 


Based out of Atlanta, GA, Murray serves as Director of Business Intelligence for I.T. consulting firm, InterWorks.  He holds over 30 years of business experience in key roles such as CFO, CIO, COO, VP of Planning and VP of Operations. Murray maintains a reputation as a leader in the fields of data visualization and business intelligence, particularly within the Tableau community.  He helped create the first Tableau User Group in the U.S., in addition to founding several others. 


To register, visit the official Seattle TUG meeting event page.

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