DC Grand Slam Tableau User Group Meeting

User Group

DC Grand Slam Tableau User Group Meeting


InterWorks joins a very special DC TUG meetup as a sponsor!


Thursday May 25th, 1:00pm - 7:00pm (EDT)


Nationals Ballpark
1500 S Capitol St SE
Washington, DC 20003

Please join us for a very special DC Tableau User Group meeting AND baseball game on Thursday, May 25th!


  • 1:00pm – Networking and mingling
  • 1:15pm – Introductions and announcements
  • 1:15pm – 4:00pm – Presentations
  • 4:00pm – Baseball Game! Washington Nationals vs Seattle Mariners

Gold Sponsor: InterWorks

For more information about this event including registration, head to the official DC/VA TUG page

This event has passed.

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Interworks GmbH
Ratinger Straße 9
40213 Düsseldorf
Geschäftsführer: Mel Stephenson

Kontaktaufnahme: markus@interworks.eu
Telefon: +49 (0)211 5408 5301

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