Facebook Viz Cup 2

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Facebook Viz Cup 2


Join us for the 2nd bi-annual Viz Cup, bringing together the finest vizzers of the Bay Area for a night of competition and fun!


Tuesday May 20th, 6:00am - 6:00am (UTC)


1 Hacker Way, Building 10
Menlo Park, CA 94025

The Facebook Data Viz Team is calling all vizzers for a night of competition and fun! Facebook Viz Cup 2 will be held at none other than Facebook HQ in Menlo Park, CA. The doors open at 5 p.m.

InterWorks’ Director of Business Intelligence and “Tableau Your Data!” author, Dan Murray will act as one of the competition judges. Murray will help decide whose vizzes reign supreme.

Of course, every competition needs some prizes. All entries will receive a prize, including special gifts for the top 3 winners.

Learn More & RSVP

For competition rules and to RSVP, visit the official Facebook Viz Cup 2 page!

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