OKC Tableau User Group

User Group

OKC Tableau User Group


Join us at the next OKC TUG!


Wednesday May 17th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm (CDT)


3501 SW 15th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73108

The purpose of the OKC Tableau User Group is to share knowledge, tips & tricks and connect with other Tableau users in the OKC area. Whether you are a beginner, a wizard, or just curious, you are welcome!

The meeting is in building A at the Dell OKC campus. This is a brown bag session, feel free to bring your lunch.


  • Welcome
  • Brief Introductions 
  • TC17 Preview: What’s Up Doc? The Prescription for a Successful Training Program
  • Q&A

Speaker: Katie Fontenot (InterWorks)
You’ve made the investment in Tableau, and the diagnosis is in! It’s time to enable your business users through Tableau’s full stack of revamped courses. We’re here to discuss the best training plan for your enterprise. How do you get the most out of your training experience? Training is over – now what? We’ll take training far beyond the classroom experience with the best combination of office hours, internal viz contests and style guides.

To learn more and register for this event, head to the official event page



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