Curator: Tableau Trailers & Design Teasers


Curator: Tableau Trailers & Design Teasers


An InterWorks Webinar covering covering Curator and embedded analytics


Thursday April 29th, 10:00am - 10:45am (CDT)


Pop the popcorn and settle in! We’re not watching a movie though—we’re having one of those nights where you end up watching only movie trailers. But instead of just teasers, you’ll get a full overview of our top client stories from the world of Curator and embedded analytics.

Whether you’re joining us as the sun is setting in your part of the world or you’re just waking up, you’ll be sure to find new ways to use Curator, learn how embedded analytics can improve your user adoption and come away with some great design inspiration!

Can’t make the live webinar? Register anyways and we’ll send you the replay!

To learn more about Curator by InterWorks, start here:

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