Singapore TUG Hackathon

Singapore TUG Hackathon


The Singapore Tableau User Group shares knowledge, tips & tricks, and connects Tableau users in the Singapore area.


Thursday April 25th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm (SGT)


WeWork Suntec Tower 5
5 Temasek Boulevard Level 17
Singapore, Singapore 038985

Join others in the community to share knowledge, tips and tricks, and connect with other Tableau users in Singapore. Whether you are a beginner, a wizard or just curious, you are welcome to attend.


6:00pm: Welcome

Brief Introduction and Ice Cream Social

6:30pm: Commence Hackathon

Break into groups and start vizing! You’ll be provided a food related dataset ahead of time.

7:30pm: Viz Share & Review

Share your viz as a group! Presenters may win prizes 😉

7:50pm: Closing


This event has passed.

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