Tableau User Group – Westchester NY

User Group

Tableau User Group – Westchester NY


Come see Dan Murray share how you can make it easy for others to see and understand data with LoD expressions!


Wednesday April 25th, 9:00am - 11:00am (CDT)


Consumer Reports
101 Truman Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10703

Westchester Tableau User Group (TUG) meeting will host InterWorks’ Dan Murray as he shares his expertise on Level of Detail (LoD) Expressions. The event will be on Wednesday, April 25, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

9:00 to 9:15 — Coffee & Pastries
9:15 to 9:20 ‐- Welcome from Michelle Leonard, Consumer Reports
9:20 to 10:15 — LoD Expressions. How you can make it easy for others to see and understand data. Dan Murray, InterWorks.
10:15 to 10:45 — What’s new in Tableau (Viz in Tooltips, Step charts, and lots more). Presentation from representative of Tableau.
10:45 to 11:00 — Killer Tips and Techniques, Michelle Leonard, Consumer Reports.
11:00 to 11:15 — Q&A and networking

LoD Expressions — Dan Murray, InterWorks
Tableau has provided “Level of Detail” expressions which enable you to build subtle and insightful information into your visualizations. Dan’s talk will present some examples of level of detail expressions so that you can apply them more effectively. You will learn how to use them, when to use them, and why you should want to learn them.

Dan Murray is the founder of the first successful BI practice built around Tableau Software, Dan is proof-positive that it doesn’t take genius to become successful using data visualization (Tableau style). A former Zen Master (2014), author of two books on Tableau, Dan is an agitator for positive change. With over 30 years of varied global business experience, Dan approaches data with a keen understanding of the what, why, who, when and where issues that you will or may already have encountered.

What’s New In Tableau
Verison 10.5 has been out for awhile and version 2018.1 (new naming convention) is in very late beta. Here’s your chance to get up to speed quickly on some great new features including visualizations in a tool tip and step charts.

Killer Tips and Tricks
Michelle Leonard will share some great tips and tricks you can use in your everyday Tableau practice.

Consumer Reports
101 Truman Ave Yonkers NY 10703
(Exit 9 off the Saw Mill Parkway or a cab ride away from the Hasting-on-the-Hudson MTA or last stop on the 1/9 Subway)

Contact Person:
Michelle Leonard

Register HERE!

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