Tulsa Security Showcase

Lunch and Learn

Tulsa Security Showcase


Join InterWorks, Dell SecureWorks and Checkpoint for a lunch and learn in Tulsa!


Thursday April 14th, 11:30am - 1:30pm (UTC)


Fleming's Prime Steakhouse
Utica Square
1976 Utica Square
Tulsa, OK 74114

In today’s world of cyber-attacks, increased scrutiny and information portability, our clients are becoming increasingly concerned about having the right security measures in place.

To keep you informed, you’re invited to an upcoming lunch and learn where industry-leading experts will discuss some of the key security issues – both external and internal – faced by businesses today. Specifically, this showcase event will cover:

The Current Threat Landscape & Breaking the Cyber Kill Chain

You need the right instrumentation, information and experience to combat ever-changing cyber security threats. While it may sound simple, it requires precise orchestration.

Security staff must sift through mountains of data to identify and respond to actual threats. Most organizations don’t have the time, money or personnel to maintain a finely-tuned security program 24x7x365.

Dell SecureWorks changes all that, and we’ll share how it can help to keep you covered.

Next-Generation Threat Prevention

Discover the latest security innovations from CheckPoint – a proven leader in the security industry. CheckPoint offers products and services that protect the data where it is and where it travels. They’re pioneering a next-generation security approach for businesses of all sizes, delivering extensive data protection throughout the data center, mobile devices, workstations and in the cloud.

Forensic Investigation & Electronic Discovery

Looking inside your company, what happens if there’s wrongdoing internally? How do you find it and properly deal with it? InterWorks security expert Blaine Stephens will walk through how to properly discover and deal with internal information problems.

This event has passed.

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