Discovery & Predictive Analytics with Tableau –

User Group

Discovery & Predictive Analytics with Tableau –


Private event with author Dan Murray - Part of the ‘Tableau Your Data! 2nd Edition’ Tour (#TYD2)


Wednesday April 6th, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (UTC)

Where: HQ - 22nd Floor
175 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604

You’re invited to a private data analytics event hosting ‘Tableau Your Data!’ author Dan Murray! Dan has spent the last few months on the road visiting Tableau User Groups across the nation and is making a special stop at  

On the agenda:  

  1. Dashboards designed for discovery

  2. Forecasting

  3. Parameters

  4. Data interpreter

  5. Ad hoc calculations

  6. Integrating other tools with Tableau 

We’ll also have:

  • Q&A time with Dan Murray
  • A chance to meet/network with the InterWorks-Chicago team
  • Book raffle/giveaway

​Let us know you’ll be there by filling out the registration form below.
Please email Dan Fleury ( if you have any additional questions.


About Dan Murray
Based out of Atlanta, GA, Murray serves as Director of Strategic Innovation for the full-spectrum data solutions firm, InterWorks. He holds over 30 years of business experience in key roles such as CFO, CIO, COO, VP of Planning and VP of Operations. Murray maintains a reputation as a leader in the fields of data visualization and business intelligence, particularly within the Tableau community, and was named a Tableau Zen Master in 2014. He helped create the first Tableau User Group in the U.S., in addition to founding several others.

About InterWorks 
InterWorks is the leading data consulting and training firm to guide you on your journey with Tableau. Named the first Tableau Gold Partner, we continue to strive for excellence and have earned the title of Tableau’s VAR Partner of the Year for the past three years as well as Tableau’s Training Partner of the Year for 2015. From servers and visualization to development and custom tools, we cover the full-spectrum of data needs through innovative solutions and proven expertise.

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